The Ultimate Guide on How to Attain Mirror-like Shine through Ceramic Polishing

 Ceramic Polishing is one of the longest lasting and most durable car protectants available. It can withstand flying debris, acid rain, and powerful UV rays to keep your vehicle looking glossy and fresh for up to a year or more. However, as the ceramic layer is exposed to more wear and tear, it can begin to degrade and lose its luster and hydrophobic properties. In order to prevent this, proper maintenance is necessary.

Ceramic coating last longer

To maintain your ceramic coating, you’ll need to wash your vehicle regularly using a pH-neutral soap and clean microfiber towels. You should also dry your vehicle thoroughly after each wash to avoid water spots and streaks. In addition, avoiding harsh chemicals or abrasive materials will help your ceramic coating last longer.

 Ceramic coating magnifies

If you want to make your car shine even more, you can apply a ceramic coating booster spray like AvalonKing’s SiO2 Ceramic Boost Spray to reload the SiO2 layer on your paint. This is especially important if you’re dealing with oxidation, swirl marks, or scratches on your vehicle. Remember, ceramic coating magnifies any imperfections on your car’s paint, so it’s always a good idea to polish and/or do some light paint correction before applying a ceramic coating.

Vehicle is decontaminated

When you do decide to apply a ceramic coating booster, make sure that your vehicle is decontaminated first with Smooth Move Paint Decontamination Spray and Shine Mist Clay Bar Treatment. This is essential to ensure that your ceramic coating will bond properly with the paint and not be impacted by any contaminants that may be embedded.

Ceramic coating can also protect against

Aside from preventing chemical damage to your car’s paint, Ceramic Polishing  can also protect against environmental contaminants such as tar and bird droppings. These contaminants are known to cause etching and corrosion, so protecting your paint with a ceramic coating can save you the time and money of having to buy a costly refinish.

Protect your paint against sun-induced

It’s also worth noting that a ceramic coating will protect your paint against sun-induced fading and discoloration. This is a significant benefit for those who own classic cars or future collectibles, as the ceramic coating can help you retain the value of your vehicle by maintaining its color and appearance over time.

In the long run, your ceramic coated vehicle will be easier to maintain, as you’ll be able to remove stubborn contaminants much faster and more easily. For example, if your ceramic coating becomes contaminated with tree sap or bird droppings, you can simply use a specialized cleaner to remove them. Similarly, the ceramic coating is highly resistant to acid rain and chemical stains, so you’ll be safe from damaging effects of environmental contamination when it comes to washing your vehicle.


The only thing to remember is that a ceramic coating doesn’t last forever, no matter how well it’s applied or how often you maintain it. For this reason, you should consider having your ceramic coating reapplied every few years. However, if you’re not comfortable handling this process yourself or you have a valuable collector’s car that requires professional attention, it’s a good idea to take your car to a reputable detailer or auto body specialist.


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